We would love to see you this Christmas...
8th December
11am | Morning service at Paulton Rovers FC, join us at 10.30am for coffee and pastries
6.30pm | Encounter worship and prayer evening at the chapel
15th December
11am | All age service at Paulton Rovers FC, join us at 10.30am for coffee and pastries
12.30pm | Join us after the service at Paulton Rovers FC for our Christmas Love to Lunch special with pulled pork rolls, board games, bouncy castle, quiz, Christmas music and more!
22nd December
11am | Nativity service with carols for all ages at Paulton Rovers FC, join us at 10.30am for coffee and pastries
5pm | Christmas reflections at the chapel
25th December
10.30am | Christmas Day service at the chapel
29th December
No service